Why Vedic Sutrra, for Weight Management Treatments?

Weight Management Treatments

Weight Management Treatment

Vedic Sutrra is totally different compared to other weight loss centers as here we strictly adhere to the most authentic Kerala Ayurveda principles for achieving goals.

At Vedic Sutrra we do not starve you with a strict diet ( Upavasa ) to make you lose weight nor do we put you into just juice or salads the whole stay. The weight you lose by such diet methods will surely be regained in double the amount of weight loss and disturb your whole metabolism. What you do, has to be practical and things that you can, and will follow back at home.

Vedic Sutrra’s weight management therapies mainly focus on correcting your metabolism and helping you bring in healthy changes in your lifestyle and food habits. We believe and practice that the weight loss that you gain through our program is more sustainable than just a temporary process.

Avail of Vedic Sutrra’s weight management program.

Meet an Ayurvedic Expert – Dr. Anu Jaiswal – For Consultation 

For Appointment: +91 8383053523
Mail us at: info@vedicsutra.co.in
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